Storytelling & Worldbuilding
Bad Omens
Bad Places
Bad Places 2
Defining Life Events
Dubious Discoveries
Festivals and Holidays
Ignoble Ends
Incendiary Incidents
Inns and Taverns
Maritime Encounters
Odd Skills and Traits
Quest Seed Generator NEW
Reasons to Be Evil
Reasons to Leave the Shire
Travel Encounters
Travel Location Generator NEW
Wild Wild Weather NEW
Creatures & Characters
A Life in Three Acts NEW
Animal Oddities
Extremely Unexpected Creatures
Lost and Broken Demigods
Normal People
NPC Generator
NPC Name Generator NEW
Personal Mottos
Suspicious Strangers
Working Stiffs NEW
Location Generators
A Cabin in the Woods
A Mysterious Tower
A Seaside Altar
A Sinister Sepulchre
Dour Dour Docks
Six Establishments in Squalor
Powers & Effects
Curses! Curses!
Devilish Deals NEW
Double Deformity
Dumb Cantrips for Bad Wizards
Peculiar Potions NEW
Items & Artifacts
Abhorrent Artifacts
A Critical Armament NEW
Arcane Artifacts
Books of the Damned
Does It Have a Name?
Rods, Staffs, and Wands
Spell Components NEW
Things Found in a Dungeon
Things Found in a Mage's Tower
Things Found in an Abandoned Mine
Things Found in an Alchemist's Lab
Things Found in a Rickety Shack
Things Found in a Tree
Things Found in the Pocket of a Stranger
Weird Weapons
Lost and Broken Demigods (d12)
What good is a broken god?

Balfast the Lemon

The god of rotten fruit. Without physical agency of his own, Balfast grows from a tree as a red lemon. He controls those around him with psychokinetic devilry until he rots or is eaten. He is then reborn again.

Dumag, Corpse-Eater

The demigod of carrion, Dumag eternally wanders battlefields, graveyards and catacombs. Though his hunger is insatiable, he may be willing to part with scavenged gold in exchange for a fresh corpse.

Kaedrik the Broken

Once the blacksmith of the old gods, Kaedrik was betrayed and torn to pieces using his own crafting equipment. It took him eons to reform himself from steel and scrap metal. Behind his blackened teeth glows the orange heat of the Kaedforge.

Koto the Blank

The essence of nullification. Koto exists to spread the void. Wherever you find her, voices are dulled, faces blurred, weapons blunted and memories wiped. If her presence is felt long enough, all is truly lost.

Duncan the Whale

Duncan was once an undefeated general of a celestial army. When his pride became too much for a greater god, he was transformed into a gigantic beast of the deeps. He now prowls the oceans looking for battle against any vessel large enough to present a challenge.

Snorg of the Flames

Snorg was once a mighty demigod, brandishing a flaming sword. But his recklessness led to the death of a fellow celestial and he was cursed to live in meager flames. His face can now be seen in small campfires or raging inside of burning villages, as he attempts to reclaim his power.

The Seers of Ghuul

More of an amorphous assembly than a single being, Ghuul's many incorporeal eyes are often seen hovering around scenes of horror and torment, silently watching. What entity they belong to is unknown.

Palabra Jot, the Memory Worm

Palabra was once the librarian of the demigods. But when her archives were destroyed by war, she went mad. She now archives the memories, feelings and ideas of living beings--drawing them directly from their minds.

Larbrax, Duke of Helplessness

Larbax has no power except his incessant squalor. Throughout the ages, he has been found among the broken and downtrodden endlessly counting a single coin. Where he goes, it is said that squalor knows no bottom.

Rang the Cacophonic

The cursed god of noise, Rang is forever accompanied by an endless barrage of sound and music. Screams, drums, singing, crying, explosions and roars. You can hear the madness of Rang approaching from miles away. A portend of his unceasing fury.

Kan-Pela the Green

Once tasked with caring for the world's plant life, Kan-Pela sought the location of its greatest abundance. She can now be found within the muck and moss of fecund swamps, pulling all living things into her green hell.

Raskalor the Revenger

Unable to avenge the death of his celestial lover, Raskalor instead seeks vengeance wherever he can. Clutching a curved sword and covered with red sinewy muscles, Raskalor hunts down those who have otherwise evaded punishment for their wickedness.