Storytelling & Worldbuilding
Bad Omens
Bad Places
Bad Places 2
Defining Life Events
Dubious Discoveries
Festivals and Holidays
Ignoble Ends
Incendiary Incidents
Inns and Taverns
Maritime Encounters
Odd Skills and Traits
Quest Seed Generator NEW
Reasons to Be Evil
Reasons to Leave the Shire
Travel Encounters
Travel Location Generator NEW
Wild Wild Weather NEW
Creatures & Characters
A Life in Three Acts NEW
Animal Oddities
Extremely Unexpected Creatures
Lost and Broken Demigods
Normal People
NPC Generator
NPC Name Generator NEW
Personal Mottos
Suspicious Strangers
Location Generators
A Cabin in the Woods
A Mysterious Tower
A Seaside Altar
A Sinister Sepulchre
Dour Dour Docks
Six Establishments in Squalor
Powers & Effects
Curses! Curses!
Double Deformity
Dumb Cantrips for Bad Wizards
Peculiar Potions NEW
Items & Artifacts
Abhorrent Artifacts
Arcane Artifacts
Books of the Damned
Does It Have a Name?
Rods, Staffs, and Wands
Spell Components NEW
Things Found in a Dungeon
Things Found in a Mage's Tower
Things Found in an Abandoned Mine
Things Found in an Alchemist's Lab
Things Found in a Rickety Shack
Things Found in a Tree
Things Found in the Pocket of a Stranger
Weird Weapons
Quest Seed Generator
Even a small idea can yield enormous misery.
These quests are generated by a plot-mangling automaton.
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The heinous merchant Oto Diggoric has run off with the accursed tool called Goat Hurter. Return it!
Subdue a cave-dwelling wretch, last seen in the River of The Crone. It can only be killed when it is scared.
You've heard stories of a flask that detects magic but will be destroyed if touched. Go find it due west of the Tunnel of Wraiths.
Visit the Fell Camp of Rats, located on the shores of the lake of Mladen's Basin. There, you must find four iron statues and destroy them.
You come awake at the Mechanism of Savagery, with notes you've left for yourself drawn all over the walls of the chamber. You're in a cell with the only light coming from a crack in the ceiling.
Set off with the mapmaker Saskia Dangman beyond the Tunnel of Marrow. Help them to blend in with their local surroundings without drawing attention.